Apple released tvOS 10 for the Apple TV 4 which brings a few new features. You may be wondering if it can still run Kodi, and the answer is yes. It runs just the same as it did before. Make sure you have the latest update for Xcode which is 8.0. Also, it’s a good idea to update the App Signer if there’s a newer version. You can follow this tutorial to install Kodi for the first time. If you already have Kodi, you can follow this tutorial instead. Below is my System Info so you can use for reference.
If you ask me, some of the features of tvOS 10 are not worth writing a whole post about. There is one of course, that I felt is worth mentioning and anyone will find helpful. When you are about to input text on the Apple TV, you get a notification on your iOS 10 device telling you to use such device for text input. You can see an example below. Of course, I was most interested to see if it worked inside of Kodi, and the answer is that it does indeed. You can always use your voice to search Movies or TV Shows as shown in this video; however, when writing a URL, it doesn’t work. Therefore, this is a great alternative if you already own an iOS device.
Make sure to check out the Apple TV 4 – Kodi Updates post to stay on top of all the newest updates pertaining to Kodi.
Hey its Not working iOS 10??
Help me plzzz
I upgrades with kodi installed and it did not delete it. And mine works.
I have Windows 7
It only works on Mac because Xcode is not available on Windows.
If you have kodi installed, tvOS 10 does not delete it!, I have upgraded my iPad and mt Apple TV and kodi still works!
I have Windows 7 ??
I have Windows 7 work tvOS 10 ??????
You need Mac to install XCode.
Hey I’m trying to install with Xcode 8.1 which doesn’t seem to work the same. Any idea if theres a tutorial specific to Xcode 8?
please help, i upgraded atv 4 to 10.1 and tried to reload kodi and now xcode wont let me.
Upgrade Xcode to the latest version