This post contains all Kodi updates for Apple TV 4th Generation and 4K HDR. As new updates come out, they will be added here.
If you have a paid Apple Developer account, your app will last a whole year before you have to re-sign and reinstall it. Using your Free Apple ID, your app will last only 7 days which means you will have to re-sign and reinstall it once a week. For now, there are two ways to bypass the 7-day expiration. The obvious is to obtain a Paid Developer Account which costs $99 a year. The second method involves finding a service online that will sign the app for you. I will not give any suggestions as I have never tried this myself. Use that information at your own discretion.
What you will need
To install Kodi on the either Apple TV, you will need a Mac. The next thing you will need to do is download Xcode from the Mac AppStore. The app is free so I recommend only downloading it from the Mac AppStore. You can do this with or without a USB Type-C cable. This is to connect the Apple TV 4th Generation to your computer. The 4K HDR Apple TV will need to be connected wirelessly as it does not have a USB port.
Updates are listed from newest to oldest
*I’ve deleted some unimportant updates in order to make this post much cleaner*
Sept 25, 2020 – It has been a while since I updated this post. There wasn’t any development going on for a while. From what I could gather, Kodi 18 was either not compatible with tvOS, or development stopped altogether. The last working version was the one mentioned below this. That is the only one compatible with add-ons. If you do not care about add-ons, you can install the latest 19.0 alpha 2 from here.
Feb 27, 2018 – Latest update available. You can download it here. Check this post for a tutorial on how to install or update Kodi.
Feb 25, 2018 – Outdated. Read what’s new below.
- fixed hevc/4k hardware decoding - added setting for preferring VideoToolBox for HDR which got lost in former versions - latest version is compatible with the greeng0blin jailbreak which is available for tvOS 10.2.2 - the topshelf is working on those jailbroken devices aswell - fixed some non working python addons when using jailbroken devices
Feb 16, 2018 – Outdated. Check out the changes below.
- rebased to Krypton 17.6 - fixed select button from official appletv remote app and other 3rd party remote apps - updated videotoolbox and avfoundation hardware decoders from MrMC 3.5 - added proper support for xml file copy/delete/view in the file manager (from MrMC 3.5) - prepared refresh rate support for appletv4 tvos 11.3 - refresh rate switching works on appletv4k now - fixed display calibration was not saved - add topshelf binary again which got lost
Dec 2, 2017 – Outdated. This build is based on Kodi 17.6. You can check out the official Kodi changelog here to learn more.
Oct 24, 2017 – Outdated.You can download it from the Downloads page. Check this post for a tutorial on how to install or update Kodi. Check out the official Kodi changelog here to learn more. Below are changes specific to this Apple TV version.
- rebased to Krypton 17.5 - added support for HEVC/h.265 hardware decoding - added AVFoundation hardware decoder which allows 4k HDR decoding/rendering for AppleTV4k
Credit – Learn More
Sept 28, 2017 – Outdated. Release for Kodi 17.4. Check out the official Kodi changelog here to learn more.
July 3, 2017 – Outdated. Below are changes specific to this Apple TV version.
- fixed native on screen keyboard for ios 11 - rebase to Krypton 17.3
May 29, 2017 – Outdated. Release for Kodi 17.3 which fixes some major security issues. Check out the official Kodi changelog here to learn more.
April 4, 2017 – Outdated. We’ve got a huge update here! This one is based on Kodi 17.1. If you would like to know what is new in Kodi 17.1, check out the official Kodi changelog here. Below are changes specific to this Apple TV version.
- rebase to Krypton 17.1 - updated skin, new default web interface and everything else from master beta6 - backported videotoolbox hardware decoder from MrMC (hw decoding works as of tvos 10.0) - It has now the ability to map the siri remote keys. Therefore the file customcontroller.SiriRemote.xml can be found in the userdata/keymaps folder and can be altered. (its accessible via the kodi file manager for example). - With latest update the swipe left/right/up/down can be mapped independend from the tap left/right/up/down. To get the current customcontroller.SiriRemote.xml into your system, please go into the kodi filemanager into the profile folder / keymaps and delete your customcontroller.SiriRemote.xml file (you loose any changes you did on that keymap - make a backup if in doubt). After that restart Kodi. This will copy the default customcontroller.SiriRemote.xml into your profile folder / keymaps. This one has the swipe keys in it and also has the swipe keys disabled during video playback (section FullScreenVideo in the keymap). - Fixed the tvos specific settings after the big settings refactor in Kodi master (mostly hiding stuff that is not applicable for tvos - also the siri remote settings are back for tvos now...)
Credit – Kodi Forums
March 30, 2017 – Outdated. This version finally comes without the word “beta” on the boot logo. It’s safe to assume this is based on the stable version of Kodi 17.0. You can find a complete changelog of all the changes in Kodi 17 here.
Note – When you find that the download doesn’t work, or the mirrors website is empty, don’t fret. This is due to the fact that the files get automatically deleted after a certain period of time. I always try to post a link to the latest update from mediafire while it all gets sorted again. Sometimes the files might get reuploaded so that doesn’t necessarily mean there’s a change. Also, a reader pointed out that the latest March build still has the old name from February; however, I have checked the system info and it all reflects March 30th as seen in the image above.
Jan 15, 2017 – Outdated. This update is based on Kodi 17 Release Candidate 3. If you would like to know what is new in rc3, check out the official Kodi changelog here.
Jan 14, 2017 – Outdated. System info says it is still based on Beta 7. If you would like to know what is new in Kodi 17.0 beta 7, check out the official Kodi changelog here. (Filename still has last month’s date. Just pay attention to the date it was compiled)
Dec 5, 2016 – Outdated. This update is based on Kodi 17.0 beta 6. If you would like to know what is new in beta 6, check out the official Kodi changelog here. What I noticed right away was the improved skin interface. It looks much cleaner than it was before.
Nov 4, 2016 – Outdated. This update is based on Kodi 17.0 beta 5. If you would like to know what is new in beta 5, check out the official Kodi changelog here. Beta 4 does not exist.
October 10, 2016 – Outdated. Version info now reflects beta 3. Previous versions have been deleted from Kodi mirror. If you would like to know what is new in beta 3, check out the official Kodi changelog here.
August 24, 2016 – Outdated. This update is based on Kodi 17.0 beta 1. If you would like to know what is new in beta 1, check out the official Kodi changelog here.
More info: Same as below. Fixed some issues with IR remotes. Most of the add-ons I tried worked fine, however, some gave me trouble saying “dependency error.”
August 22, 2016 – Outdated.
More info: We now have beta! We are very close to seeing a stable release for the first time on Apple TV 4. Some changes listed on the Kodi forums include the ability to map the Siri remote keys. I’m not an expert in that field, so you will have to do a search. Other changes include the hiding of settings not applicable to tvOS. Basically, a much cleaner interface. The problem I had with the last update where the app kept force closing did not affect me this time.
August 13, 2016 – Outdated. This update is based on Kodi 17.0 alpha 3. If you would like to know what is new in alpha 3, check out the official Kodi changelog here.
Note – When I tried to open Kodi after updating, it would force close every time. The only way I was able to fix that was by uninstalling, then reinstalling. Of course, you will lose everything if you do that.
July 30, 2016 – Outdated. This update is based on Kodi 17.0 alpha 2. If you would like to know what is new in alpha 2, check out the official Kodi changelog here.
July 2, 2016 – Outdated. Read below for all new changes.
A new version of Kodi for the Apple TV 4 has been released. As you can see from the image at the top of this post, we are presented with the beautiful new logo which will be part of Kodi 17.0 also known as Krypton. First, let me say I am actually very excited for this release because I am a huge Superman fan. Okay, I got that out of my system.
This build is based on Kodi 17.0 Alpha 2. All previous versions were far behind in development to be considered Alpha. The exciting thing to know is that the devs are clearly making some progress which could eventually lead to an official stable Kodi release. One which we haven’t seen yet for the Apple TV 4.
I am using the July 30 build as it seems to be the most stable and customizable build the August 13 build blocks downloads from Dropbox unlike the July 30 build. Sure would like a navi-x update for the apple tv 4
Every time I try using any build but the 7/30 Kodi just crashes as soon as I launch it.
Are you making sure to re-install it every 7 days?
Same with me; every build since the 7/30 one immediately crashes. I do have a developer acct., so I’m not obliged to re-install Kodi weekly. Also, although the 7/30 build itself doesn’t crash and still launches fine after a week, none of my video add-ons are able to connect to the internet after 7 days (though I can still browse my network to play saved files with Kodi). However, in order to get my add-ons working after a week, I still need to re-sideload the 7/30 build every 7 days. Weird.
I’m having a similar issue with Kodi on my apple TV 4K. I get a “No Limits Wizard Error. Check the log for more information.” when I try to install the No Limits addon on Kodi.. Any thoughts?
Is the Dropbox download still working on that version?
I am using May 20, 2016 deb….alpha 2 and Aeon Nox skin. What works – EXODUS and 2% of Phoenix. What is NOT working – Ccloud, sports devil, USTV Now, 98% of Phoenix, dexterTV, areis wizzard and everything else.
Any recommendation which (1) .deb file, (2) date of .deb file and (3) skin to use?
I always update as soon as its available. Currently running the 8-24-16 build. And I prefer installing Confluence because it’s what I’m used to.
The July 30th build running confluence with config wizard everything is working
How do you update Kodi already installed and running?
Same way you install it for the first time. Hit the Plus and add the IPA. Do not do anything else! And if done correctly, your data will still be there. There’s a video linked in the article if you’re confused.
Wait, so I have to connect it to my Mac and to Xcode again and reinstall the app? There’s no update option within the GUI?
Correct, and since you have to do it every 7 days it’s a pain in the butt. No GUI option at all unless you were lucky enough to jailbreak version 9.0
Thankfully I already have a Dev account, but it’s still annoying that you have to reinstall it to update it. OK thanks for the info!
I do have apple tv 4 jailbroken version 9.0 with kodi 17.0 and nitotv how can i update to kodi 17.5.
Thank you very much for the help any one.
Rocky M. 11-09-2017
Has to be done through NitoTV otherwise you will then need XCode and risk installing every 7 days.
With the Nov. 8th build I can load Ares Wizard, but after installing the ‘Pulse CCM’ build, it never loads. When re-opening Kodi, Pulse CCM is nowhere to select or automatically load. Does Pulse work on this version?
Hi Guys,
I’m using TvOs10 with Kodi and Yes also Ares, but this way of installing Skins or Build doesn’t work for Kodi on AppleTV 4! We are lucky that Kodi is working on ATV4, keep that in mind.
Use the basic skin and only install and activate what you need.
On the ATV4 you have to do it all by hand like many years ago! 🙂 🙂 🙂
Grtz Mike
I paid for a dev account come down to 8-9$/mo for me to get rid of my cable bill, yes i still have internet but I can watch whatever I want when I want with 0 commercials. My ATV4 is on iOS10.(latest). Kodi is the Nov-23 build and I put the schism build and have used the Dimitrology build both for Krypton and have had 0 issues with either one thus far. I also use a ATV1 with Kodi 16 running on it, no issues with OSMC running on it. There are already pages documenting how to update and keep you plugin installs, but really if things are working – if its not broke don’t mess with it.
Was using the Dec.23 2016 Kodi build happily on my ATV4 (iOs10) right up to the point I updated the firmware on my Airport Extreme 802.11ac router from 7.7.7. to 7.7.8 yesterday. After that, my video addons in ATV4 Kodi slowed to a crawl (5+ minutes for title searches, and the same wait to load episode lists of TV shows, etc.). Downgraded the Airport Extreme back to 7.7.7 and all video addons are now working like before, with no changes needed to the ATV4 or its Kodi app whatsoever.
Installed Kodi on my ATV4 around Mid-December, worked nicely for about a week. From then, and still now, attempting to open the Kodi app nothing happens, maybe a slight shake of the ATV4 homescreen, but that’s it. Do I need to re-install? Why did it break?
Yes, you need to install it every 7 days because the certificate expires.
Interesting, I hadn’t come across that important little tidbit, thanks for the info.
I mentioned it in the introduction of this article
Thanks again for all the help with the Kodi apple tv 4 Luis.
I have joined the developers account for 100 dollars so that Kodi wouldn’t expire in 7 days. BUT I’m still having the same problem of kodi expiring in 7 days. It seems that the Provisioning Profile hasn’t changed….. can you please assist me with this issue?
Thanks in advance
Plz if any one have a link for beta 3 deb file i want it.
Its more stable than the latest one
Try the newest Feb 6 version. All the other versions were deleted and I don’t have a copy saved.
I can’t find the Feb 6 version anywhere. No test builds for tvOS are even listed on Kodi’s mirror site. Anyone got the file or link to the latest Feb 6 Kodi tvOS build?
I uploaded the February build to MediaFire. Test it out.
I don’t see it on the site anymore. Do you have a direct link?
Extended info mod still hangs with spinning wheel and freezes with latest build. Shame
I think there´s a 17.1 version of kodi out there.
Where’s that?
No deb file found in kodi mirror
Please help
They get deleted automatically after a certain period of time. Give them type to re-upload.
after downloading kodi in my apple tv can i update my apple tv firmware?
Yes. Kodi is compatible with all firmwares.
Everything prior to 17.3 has a security flaw? When will 17.3 be available?
Been checking a few times a day and there’s nothing yet.
the kodi 17.3 from the 29 may is not working , i see the icon on the tvos but it´s crashing
It’s working fine for me. If nothing works, try uninstalling, then start over again.
hmm did that and still not working . .what deb file did you use ?
May 29. Latest one.
So, I’m faced with the “reinstall every 7 days” thing. In Xcode I leave everything the same, just do a “re-sign only” in App Signer to create the new .ipa, completes successfully – but when I try to install that I get “App installation failed, there was an internal API failure”. Am I missing something?
Oh, never mind – figured it out, I didn’t have Xcode up running during the app signer process
Keyboard is not working with tvOS 11 and Kodi 17.3 (July 3rd). Any solutions?
I’m having the same issue with no keyboard. Did you work out how to fix?
last update not working with tvos 10.1.1
Unfortunately I’ve upgraded to tvOS 11.0, so I am unable to confirm that. I can say that it does work fine on tvOS 11.0.
The new Apple TV 4 has no USB Type-C inputs now what?
Did you at least watch the video? You can do it wirelessly using Mac & Xcode 🙂
I have a paid Apple developer account but I still have to reinstall Kodi on the Apple TV every 7 days. Anyone know how to fix this?
Thats unfortunate. It’s not supposed to be that way. I wish I knew the solution.