Electra Jailbreak (iOS 11-11.1.2)

Late last year, I posted a tutorial for Jailbreaking iOS 11-11.1.2 (linked above). From that day, and to the time I am writing this post, the jailbreak was mainly intended for developers as it lacked Cydia which is still being worked on to support iOS 11. I have recently read a blog post that said “Cydia will not be supported. Ever” quoting the words of the LiberiOS developer Jonathan Levin.

Credit: iDownloadblog

Cydia not being supported in LiberiOS means that this jailbreak is useless for the average person. But thankfully, a new jailbreak tool has gained quite the momentum. It still does not come with Cydia for the same reason stated above.

That being said, if you’re an average user waiting for Cydia, its best to wait until it is supported. Just make sure your device doesn’t update automatically causing you to lose any chance of jailbreaking in the future. Once you are ready to jailbreak, follow the same steps as the video linked above, but replace the ipa with the one for Electra. Also, make sure to replace the project name accordingly. You can find more information and the ipa needed on https://coolstar.org/electra/.

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